For  somewhat personal   stuff (family, birds seen, etc.) click beside

CORDS (Canadian Outdoor Recreation Demand Study- 1976)

Deheaping click beside

August 2018

FHWAR (Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife Related Activities - You can also use Alpha-Vaske link to got to CSU for Alpha and FHWAR work. If the link fails, search Jerry Vaske at CSU

Much research published today refers to people or tourists when person-days, person trips or other units apply.  Units of analysis-count-measurement require consideration .

Other topics are:

Bias & Accuracy,

Survey Design and Sampling,  Long tailed distributions,   Weighting,

Activity Packages/Segments

Cronbach’s α and scale validity


Addressing structural concerns with Cronbach’s α has been ongoing for years. Publication is now beginning.

For Data Diagrams to

Improve Data Structure

& Research see

Structuring Survey Data to Facilitate Analysis and Interpretation (JAY BEAMAN AND JERRY J. VASKE; Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 13:1–20, 2008.

Beaman & Vaske (2008) - Structuring survey data to facilitate analysis & interpretation.pdf